Healthy Eating

Nutritious food builds stronger, healthier kids.

A guide to the Y's standards for program snacks and food from home.

Our YMCA follows Healthy Eating and Physical Activity (HEPA) standards to teach children how to make positive food choices and to enjoy being active. This sets them on the path to a healthier future. 

Snacks in our childcare programs follow HEPA standards and taste good too! A weekly snack calendar is available on the family table at each program site. 

If your child has any allergies or requires a special diet, please note it on your registration form and make sure your site director is aware of it. We are required by licensing to post children’s food allergies in the area where children are fed.

The Y provides a healthy afternoon snack during normal program hours. School’s Out campers get a morning and afternoon snack, and need to bring lunch from home.

State requirements for sack lunches

Because most of our childcare sites are licensed by the state, they are subject to certain requirements. Please follow these rules when packing lunch for your child in School’s Out Camp:

  • Label with child’s name and date 
  • Lunch must consist of at least four of the following components: milk, two or more fruits or vegetables, meat or meat alternative, bread or bread alternative. 

We are required to supplement your child’s lunch if it does not meet these requirements. Additional charges may apply to cover costs.
The site director will let you know if you need to supply anything for your child during the afterschool program.

Food from home

Sending your child with their own lunch or snack? Please follow these guidelines to ensure everyone’s health and safety: 

  • Do NOT send items containing peanuts or tree nuts
  • Avoid foods with trans fats
  • Avoid foods that contain more than 8 grams of sugar per serving
  • If sugar is one of the first three ingredients listed on the label, avoid it
  • Avoid fried or pre-fried foods
  • Choose whole wheat and whole grain products when able

Please follow these recommendations for healthy snacks:

  • Fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Whole grain crackers or pretzels
  • Low-sugar yogurt
  • Cheese sticks
  • Hummus