Mental Health Resources

Local information for teen mental health support.

Supporting Teens and Families Struggling With Mental Health

Many teens in North Carolina and nationwide are experiencing mental health challenges.  According to a 2022 study of teens, conducted by the National Alliance of Mental Illness, 1 in 6 teens reported experiencing negative emotions all the time or often, and 1 in 4 have been diagnosed with a mental health condition. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] recently published its 2021 study of Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance System [YRBSS].

  • The study shows that North Carolina's students in grades 9 through 12 experienced an uptick in suicidal behaviors since 2019.
  • Additionally, there was an increase in reported rates of depression, with nearly 34% of students surveyed in 2021 saying their mental health was not good most of the time or always.

We all have mental health. Mental health is how we think, feel and act. The best way to normalize and have a positive impact on mental health is to talk about it. Find our teen mental health resource hub here.

Read more about our free Youth Mental Health First Aid training here.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available for Asheville, as well as Black Mountain, Marion, Candler, and Hendersonville.


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